Infooptic Product Information
Infooptic specializes in delivery of customized electronic systems for small-size optical retailers.
We are happy to address your business needs and have several packages to offer
so you can select the one that suits your office best.
Training & User Guides:
Infooptic is offering a variety of training packages from phone support to personal training on premises.
Even without basic computer knowledge you can master InfO-Optic in a very short period of time.
Our simple and concise manuals are available online free of charge.
All you need is to register on the website -
Other Services:
Infooptic provides a Full Setup Service option, helping non-computerized opticals to make a smooth transition into
electronical environment. We are aware of the challenges that some of our clients face and we are ready to assist at
every stage - from making recommendation / selection of hardware to data entry, there is
no job that is too big or too small. Our consulting services can help you make the right choice without paying a bundle.
Schedule a free session and discuss your environment and options. Request Free Appointment.
Please contact Customer Service for more information at 1-866-EZOPTIC /